T3DHT-H "Gizmo" was born in March of 2009. Her dam is T3DHT "Coco", and her sire is N6BMS "Llama Boy". Gizmo has not produced any offspring.
She is currently a part of N9BFQ-GL "Mr Frisky Hooves" band and can be found near KM 24-26 on the Over Sand Vehicle (OSV) area most of the year, and in the Developed Area in the summer.
Keiper #: T3DHT-H
Born: March of 2009
Sire: N6BMS "Llama Boy"
Dam: T3DHT "Coco"
Sex: Mare
Color: Bay
Descendants: None
Usual Range: Tingles Island to Developed Area
Current Band: N9BFQ-GL "Mr Frisky Hooves"
What is the Foster Horse Program?
The Foster A Horse Program was crated in an effort to preserve one of America's most loved wildlife treasures.
How does the foster program help?
The Foster A Horse Program was crated in an effort to preserve one of America's most loved wildlife treasures.
Learn more about Assateague Horses?
We have tons of information about these wild creatures including some FAQs and ways to help protect. Learn more here.